Award Balustrading Supplies

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        • Bevelled washers
        • Bottlescrews
        • Collared Eye Nuts
        • Corrosion Inhibitor
        • D Shackles
        • Dees
        • Eye Bolts
        • Eye Nuts
        • Eye Screws
        • Fork Terminals
        • Grommets
        • Rings
        • Rivets
        • Rope grips
        • Saddles
        • Screw Eyes
        • Self Tappers
        • Swage Studs
        • Swages
        • Tensioners
        • Terminals
        • Thimbles
        • Threaded terminals
        • Tools
        • Triangles
        • Turnbuckles
        • Wire

There are various fittings (and combinations of fittings) used for balustrading with the most common shown below.

There is an Australian Building Code and often specific council regulations that apply to the use of stainless steel wire balustrading - please check with your council before proceeding.

Components used are labeled left to right. The wire size usually used is 3.2mm and all components listed below are for this size wire.


eye bolt - M5 jaw/jaw bottlescrew - thimble - swage - 3.2m 7x7 wire - swage - thimble - eye bolt

This style requires a hand swager and wire rope cutter for assembly (available for hire or purchase)and is supplied as components for DIY assembly. M6 eye bolts, M6 eye screws or 5mm saddles are used to secure to metal posts, 5mm saddles or 6mm screw eyes to wooden posts.


eye bolt - M5 jaw/swage bottlescrew - 3.2mm 7x7 or 1x19 wire - 3.2mm fork terminal - eye bolt

This style requires a hydraulic press for assembly and is usually supplied complete to size. M6 Eye bolts, M6 eye screws or 5mm saddles are used to secure to metal posts, 5mm saddles or 6mm screw eyes to wooden posts. 8mm holes are required to be predrilled into any posts that cables will be passing through.


saddle - M5 eye/eye turnbuckle - thimble - swage - 3.2mm 7x7 wire - swage - thimble - saddle

This style requires a hand swager and wire rope cutter for assembly (available for hire or purchase)and is supplied as components for DIY assembly. M6 eye bolts, M6 eye screws or 5mm saddles are used to secure to metal posts, 5mm saddles or 6mm screw eyes to wooden posts. Use hook/eye turnbuckles if using eye bolts, eye screws or screw eyes and use eye/eye turnbuckles if using saddles.


eye bolt - M5 jaw/jaw bottlescrew - thimble - rope grip - 3.2mm 7x7 wire - rope grip - thimble - eye bolt

This style does not require any special tools for assembly however a wire rope cutter is recommended. M6 eye bolts, M6 eye screws or 5mm saddles are used to secure to metal posts, 5mm saddles or 6mm screw eyes to wooden posts. M5 turnbuckles can be used in place of bottlescrews (use hook/eye if using eye bolts, eye screws or screw eyes and use eye/eye turnbuckles if using saddles).


M6 tensioner - M6x3.2mm swage stud - 3.2mm 7x7 or 1x19 wire - 3.2mm pan head terminal

This style requires a hydraulic press for assembly and is usually supplied complete to size. Suitable for metal posts only however not suitable for posts where more than one set of assemblies are secured (i.e. where two sets of assemblies at right angles to each other terminate at the same post). Tensioners and terminals are placed through holes on the outside of metal posts. Tensioners are internally threaded and swage studs are screwed into them and tightened to tension. 8mm holes are required to be predrilled into all posts.

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